Ginger Snaps movies
I have all 3 of the Ginger Snaps movies on dvd, sadly the main language on these copys is french, but I got them for like 3 euros so I cant complain + they still look cool and are a nice collection item!
(PS: I took these photos from my own dvd's, I also added a small personal memory at the bottom of this page if you're interested in reading!)
Ginger Snaps (2000)
Ginger Snaps II (2004)
Ginger Snaps III (2004)
I watched all the Ginger Snaps movies with my best friend (who also introduced me to them.) The third one we watched when on vacation with another friend joining us!! Wich was really fun because it was midnight and dark, we were sitting on this outlook platform for deer spotting in like the middle of the forest, a really good memory! Also great movies, you should watch them if you haven't!!!