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Music Reviews


On this page I will try to do a review of a song that I like once a week. I will try to explain what I like and I'll try to give some information about the song!

Weekly review

Music review of Week 7, 2025.

Song: Be Safe - In a House

Genre: Midwest Emo, Emo.

Vibe/Theme: melancholic, Yearning, Reflection, Bittersweet.

Release date: January 19th, 2024.

My rating

Really great emo revival band with its own unique sound in my opinion. A perfect mix between 2 genres with a floating, sad but also nostalgic sound for me. Not too hars on the instruments but it still sound full and warm in a way, really beautifull lyrics also. Also one of the first albums that I ever found out about through rym haha.

Favorite part of the lyrics

"a house filled with safety,
now a shell, cold and empty.
in my heart filled with furniture,
there’s a void, i can fill it if you’d let me."

My rating: 9 out of 10!

Music review of Week 4, 2025.

Song: Autumn's Grey Solace - Shadows of Moonlit Nights

Genre: Ethreal Wave, Dream Pop.

Vibe/Theme: Surreal, Whimsical, Grey, Autumn.

Release date: October 9th, 2002.

My rating

Really just forgot about this band and its album, cant believe it... This is such a good album but this song just jumps out, its got such a unique vibe/feel to it. It feels like walking through an open field in the middle of a forest, while its night time and the only source of light is the moon, covering the landscape in a grayish color. Its so mysterious because of the gliding guitars and the pads, the vocals are also so dreamy and beautifull.

Favorite part of the lyrics

"Laugh and cry
Live and die
Seek and hide
Cherishing the moon"

My rating: 8.5 out of 10!

Music review of Week 3, 2025.

Song: Flight Patterns - i would throw my vape in a cornfield for you

Genre: Midwest Emo.

Vibe/Theme: Emotional, Friendship, Longing.

Release date: January 1st, 2017.

My rating

Good song with a nice buildup from only acoustic guitar and vocals to drums, guitars and more harsh vocals. Love the catchy riff and how simple the song is. The chorus is def my favorite part, I can see it in my head, the whole scene idk. Also the album cover features a house, and in midwest emo its an simple equation... House as album cover = good album.

Favorite part of the lyrics

"I'll ride my skateboard into town
Hope the summer comes quick so I can see you around
And all the friends I've missed since the New Year's came and went
It's how you came and went"

My rating: 9 out of 10!

Music review of Week 2, 2025.

Song: The Flat Stanleys - For When Grandma Meets Grandpa Again

Genre: Midwest Emo.

Vibe/Theme: Emotional, Grief/Death.

Release date: July 7th, 2017.

My rating

Good but also very sad midwest emo song reflecting on the singers grandma dying, relatable and good lyrics. Music can really be an outlet for some people, to get that weight of their shoulders and turn their problems and worries in something beautifull. Love the mix of guitars and the synths. Overal really good song and props to the album cover.

Favorite part of the lyrics

"I should be better at expressing things
I know we're running out of time
And your body fell so violently
They couldn't tape you back together
And I wonder if my mom knows
Because she swore that you'd get better"

My rating: 10 out of 10!

Music review of Week 52, 2024.

Song: Milencollin - Black Eye

Genre: Skate Punk, Pop Punk.

Vibe/Theme: Melodic, Reflection, Uplifting.

Release date: March 12th, 2002.

My rating

Its a funny story on how I discovered this track, a friend of me bought this Punk-O-Rama 6 cd, wich is a complication cd. I liked it and started listening it on spotify at home, and this track was my favorite. Turns out this one is not even on the cd itself, but somehow it is on the release thats on spotify. I believe it was on the american release, and it probably was a demo, because the Punk-O-Rama black eye came out in 2001, and Milencollin didnt release it as their own until 2002.

Anyway I really like the chord progresion and the melodic style they were going for. Lyrics is also kinda relatable. I just like how its upbeat and uplifting, does remind me of the time I was a skater because this is indeed skate punk haha.

EDIT: I see now that there were 2 different releases of the cd like 13 days apart, where the track: "The Donnas - Do You Wanna Hit It" was replaced by "Millencolin - Blackeye" on the newer release.

Favorite part of the lyrics

"But everybody's talking about you
All the time about things you do
And that's the only time I do realize
That I do love being close to you"

My rating: 9 out of 10!

Music review of Week 51, 2024.

Song: Frail Body - Traditions in Verses

Genre: Screamo, Emoviolence.

Vibe/Theme: Emotional, Grief/loss/death, Angry.

Release date: November 1st, 2019.

My rating

I dont got alot to say. We all know screamo carys a pretty heavy and emotional theme most of the times right, well this album is one of the saddest I've ever heard. The whole album is dedicated to the loss of a bandmembers mother, each song is trully heartbreaking, reflecting on past times and the present. Very emotional. The album cover adds to that, because seeing a photo of the mother makes it so much more personal... Almost as if you know her.

Favorite part of the lyrics

"I’m still chasing those sunsets over bated breath
And you’re still in pain
All my good intentions and all my selfishness
Sometimes they seem one and the same"

My rating: 7 out of 10!

Music review of Week 50, 2024.

Song: Empire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate) - If It's Bad News, It Can Wait

Genre: Midwest emo, Emo.

Vibe/Theme: Emotional, Memory, Hometown, Friendgroup.

Release date: August 19th, 2014.

My rating

I know this review foccuses on only one song, but most things I mention or say will also apply to all albums and other songs from this band! I swear this is like the only band where I like every album and every song!!

One thing about this band is that every song tells a little story and a memory, wich is so fucking cool, I love the lyrics so much honestly. Many people think this is like kinda depressing, I dont really see why, some songs are sad, but more like, beautiful sad rather than hatefull and angry sad. Each song means something wich really makes all the albums worth listening to.

In this particular song, the lyrics are about 4 best friends going on a vacation, doing fun things, it is perfect and everyone is enjoying it! But then one friend gets the news that his brother has passed away through the hotel phone, he runs out in panic, blinded by loss. after he calmes down, they return home just in time for his funeral.

All songs from this band are so great and beautiful, but this one has to be one of my favorites. I can see myself experiencing the vacation, I want to. I can feel the vibe of it, the fun they had. the sad moment when the news gets to them, the power of friendship and the close friendgroup... Its just everything I ever wanted in my life and is perfect in a song, vibe, lyrics and interpertation are so good here...

It feels just so perfect, the whole setting of the bands, the memories, so simple yet so full of goodness... I truely wish I could experience the memories from the songs, even the bad ones... I would be truly happy... This is honestly the best way of story telling I've ever come across. Expression really is peak in all the music they made!!

Favorite part of the lyrics

(2 parts this time for the storys sake)
"We retreated back to our hotel, exhausted
The phone in our room rang out at an ungodly hour
When only bad things are on the other end
I answered and gave it to Danny
So he could hear his brother passed away
He dropped the phone and bolted out into the hall
Blind with grief"

"I waited and watched from a nearby park bench
When he came back, we got into the car and drove the twelve hours back home
And made it just in time for the funeral"

My rating: 10 out of 10!

Music review of Week 49, 2024.

Song: State Faults - Sleepwalker

Genre: Screamo, Post-Rock.

Vibe/Theme: Emotional, Anxious, Hometown.

Release date: May 1st, 2012.

My rating

This song for me feels like "the end of summer" especialy with the nature ambience in the beginning. The melodic and plucky guitar are really nice, emotional and almost relaxing, I also love the gliding at the end of each chord. The mix with screaming vocals and the harmonic singing does a good job of adding a bit of warmth to the song. This song is both calming and sad, I dont really get that "Angry" or that "Hate" feeling with this song. Wich I do experience in most other Screamo songs. As I said, it kinda brings a bit of peace and its beautifull.

Favorite part of the lyrics

"I am left in the wake of this epiphany.
That I must walk alone.
(Goodbye, stay gold.)
That I am all alone.
(Goodbye, stay gold.)
That my heart's a haunted home.
And it's all I've ever known."

My rating: 10 out of 10!

Music review of Week 48, 2024.

Song: Messes - LDM

Genre: Screamo, Midwest emo.

Vibe/Theme: Longing, Grief, Emotional, Rural, Hometown.

Release date: April 28th, 2015.

My rating

This band is so fucking underrated its crazy, this song is part of an album where I guess the main theme is one of the band members sisters running away, and how they miss her. Guitar and vocals do a really good job at giving you that anxious and melancholic vibe.

This song really makes me think of what happend and where the sister is now. Did they contact each other in the end? Or have they still not spoken since she left? Great song and a great album where even you as a listener can feel/experience a tone of longing and loss...

Favorite part of the lyrics

"You told me to leave the first chance that I got
and never look back.
That's exactly what you did.
And I started crying because
I'll never see you again,
my sister."

My rating: 9.5 out of 10!

Music review of Week 42, 2024.

Song: Molly Drag - High Polar

Genre: Slacker rock, Indie folk.

Vibe/Theme: Reflection, Emotional, Rural, Hometown.

Release date: April 21nd, 2017.

My rating

Do you ever find a song, and then you think. What if I had never found this song... I am so happy that I found this song. Idk why but it gives me this "Summer adventure cool indie loner kid in his rural hometown" vibe... I dont know how to explain, but it wants me make to experience it. I have this vission in my head when the song plays but I cant quite put it into words.

The songs repeating melodic chords mixed with the plucks in between really work well together, and the lyrics that split into 2 pieces of the words are just wonderfull. The lyrics is simple but heart felt, wich makes is kinda special!! Also the cover art is really cool!!! This song is just a one in a million for me, I really really like this one!!!

Favorite part of the lyrics

"Goth kid, that hurt
Melted, since birth
Calm down my son
I love no one"

My rating: 10 out of 10!

Music review of Week 40, 2024.

Song: sowithout. - nauticalstartattoo.

Genre: Screamo, Emoviolence, Hardcore.

Vibe/Theme: Anger, Hate, Reflection, Emotional, Hopelessness.

Release date: September 12th, 2019.

My rating

This song does such a fucking good job at expressing emotions. The calm sad parts in between of the distorted, heavy, and screeching guitar part paired with the switch in vocal styles. It really gives you that feeling of: "FUCK EVERYONE, AND FUCK MYSELF". Idk how else to put it.

Favorite part of the lyrics

"I know I haven't been so pure
But i'll live on
Nineteen years and i've never felt ok
Familiarity doesn't work
So I'll go and I'll go and I'll never stop
And I'm so tired"

My rating: 8 out of 10!

Music review of Week 39, 2024.

Song: Old Gray - Her Tongue Was Tattooed To The Back Of Her Teeth

Genre: Screamo, Midwest emo.

Vibe/Theme: Nostalgia, Reflection, Love, Emotional.

Release date: September 2nd, 2011.

My rating

Idk, I just love this whole EP. This song is my favorite tho. The spoken words/poem at the start and then the buildup of the drums leading into a beautifull guitar riff is just something I personaly really like. Not to forget the open hats that always jump out between the guitar and vocals! I wish that I would know more Screamo bands that really make use of emotional chords... Also the album cover is pretty!

Favorite part of the lyrics

"Can you feel my beating heart?
Buried beneath the backyard,
the place we used to live.
Where we stood on our own.
We were rooted in this home.
Where we exhaled our last breath,
and watched the summer fade to blackness"

My rating: 9 out of 10!

Music review of Week 38, 2024.

Song: Marietta - Chase, I Hardly Know Ya.

Genre: Midwest emo, Math rock.

Vibe/Theme: Heartbreak, Regret, Nostalgia, Rural, Midwest.

Release date: October 21th, 2013.

My rating

I recently remembered that his album existed, and damn. I just get so much nostalgia from listening to it, this is the first album of the genre Midwest emo that I ever listened!

I think this album really does a good job of bringing a midwest vibe to the listener, also it is kind of a soothing/chill album. With the twinkling guitar that is not too heavy, and the soft vocal with sometimes a bit of a increase in volume really just adds to the vibe as a whole. The same goes for the bouncy and rhytmic drums! The use of different type of snares and percusion makes this kind of unique for me. Also love the part at 1:40! Love the bass guitar and the synth (if im correct!)

Favorite part of the lyrics

"I've been thinking what you said is true
Our lives are reds and greens and shades of blue
Our colored pasts reveal what is true
Nothing that i said to you paints a pretty portrait of us two
We're different shades of blue"

My rating: 9 out of 10!

Music review of Week 37, 2024.

Song: Feed Me to the Forest - The Smell of Flowers Remind Me of Funerals.

Genre: Emo, Post-Hardcore.

Vibe/Theme: Emotional, Death, Grief, Reflection.

Release date: October 22th, 2022.

My rating

I dont know what it is about this song but the lyrcis just really stick in my head, for some reason they made it sad and at the same time catchy. I dont really have the time to go into detail about the song because as of now, im writing this in class.

But one of the main elements that I like is that the guitar kind of carries the deperation through out the song, and it builds up. the tone of the guitar becomes increasingly shrill. And that lead just perfectly fits with the riff. I also like the bands name, "Feed Me to the Forest". I like the unique sound of that name!

Favorite part of the lyrics

I walked past your grave
I saw your mom sitting there praying
She could take away your pain
"But your better now"
That’s what she cried
Good for her I’ll blame myself until the day that I die"

My rating: 7.5 out of 10!

Music review of Week 36, 2024.

Song: You'll Live - Maybe You Were Right.

Genre: Midwest Emo, Post hardcore.

Vibe/Theme: Emotional, Suicide, Reflection.

Release date: July 25th, 2012.

My rating

This song features a sample of the movie 'Hannah and Her sisters'. In the sample the movie character Mickey Sachs talks about his reflection on life and about his failed suicide attempt. The sample is pretty deep and kind of inspiring in some ways. This sample and the heavy, raw and sad guitar paired with a gliding lead really adds to the dramatic effect of this song. It is kind of calming and soothing in some way for me, instead of lyrics its just someone talking over a guitar.

Favorite part of the lyrics

"I should stop ruining my life, searching for answers I'm never gonna get, and just enjoy it while it lasts."

My rating: 7 out of 10!

Music review of Week 35, 2024.

Song: Dad Thighs - Going To The Dump To Watch The Bears, Part One.

Genre: Midwest Emo, Post hardcore.

Vibe/Theme: Heartbreak, Emotional, Existential Reflection.

Release date: February 14th, 2017.

My rating

Of this band I only think one album is actually really good, and that is "The Ghost that I fear." This album is really nice and I personaly think that this song is the best. I really like the female vocalist, the way she sings is really unique. she can go from this soft whisper voice to this desperate, almost screaming vocal style! It really makes this Album and band stand out for me. Her hoarse vocals remind me of this girl, who I had my first and most recent relationship with when I was like 8 lol. Their voice is like almost the same, if I can remember correctly lol.

In some parts there also is a brighter male vocalist doing some background vocals wich adds a feeling of chaos. I also like the long-winded and heavy, longing vibe the guitar gives in some parts, idk how to explain. Cover is also great, so simple yet very nice.

Favorite part of the lyrics

"We're laughing but we're not breathing. We're crying yet feeling nothing but The dead air of an otherwise Non-existent summer."

My rating: 7.5 out of 10!

Music review of Week 34, 2024.

Song: Alaska - 135.9^2 Mi.

Genre: Screamo, Midwest Emo, Post Hardcore.

Vibe/Theme: Guilt, Desperation, Emotional.

Release date: July 9th, 2013.

My rating

I only found out about this band like a few days ago but I really enjoy their music, its just your avarage 2010's Screamo friend group band. (wich I really like, I dont know why but bands from the early 2000's and 2010's are overall really good in my opinion). But they have this feeling to their music wich makes it kinda special, Something wich I cannot really explain lol.

This song is one of my favorites from them, I really, like REALLY like the bass guitar in this song. Especialy after 2:04. Its really catchy and bouncy for some reason, it really does a good job at fusing the song together. The bass guitar is also not kept in the background wich is so fucking nice, most artist/bands really seem to push out the bass while mixing and mastering lol.

The vocals are also really nice, they do a good job at representing the feeling and overall vibe off the lyrics. You can kinda hear desperation and anger in the vocals wich matches the energy of the lyrics itself!

Favorite part of the lyrics

"A journal entry is all that remained, You forged it out of receipt transmissions."

My rating: 8 out of 10!

Music review of Week 33, 2024.

Song: Kaneda7 - OFF KILTER KIN.

Genre: Witchhouse mixed with Scenecore (ig).

Vibe/Theme: Horror, Rural gothic, Death/Murder/Suicide.

Release date: July 22nd, 2023.

My rating

This song is one of my all-time favorites, I started listening to this song right after its release. I was on a vacation in Norway when I first started listening. So this song brings back alot of memories from that period, it reminds me of the mountains, the pinewood forests and the overall mysterious vibe of Norway...

I love the saw/reese bass, the little bells, the hard but bouncy drum pattern, the reversed flute, the raw leads that just cut through the song and the eerie/grimy vocals with horror like lyrics. Im sure the lyrics have A deeper meaning because they're just so beautifully formulated, it really adds to the song...

The instruments used to make this song are really unique. I like the mix of the flutes, the bells and the eletronic and synthlike sounds. Also the lyrics and vocals are doing a great job of being some what poetic and mysterious at the same time. It combines many things and I think it turned out great!

Favorite part of the lyrics

"Lacerated ligaments, a body made of porcelain. Glass bones shattered, one of God's frail instruments."

My rating: 9 out of 10!